Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Let's create... a tour

Let's make a tour on Tour Builder to share Phil's journey this year.

Now you have a go. You can make a tour about:

  • Erik The Red (see this video)
  • An explorer you have been learning about
  • Your family

Share your tour on your blog. Remember to write a few sentences explaining what you were learning, why you enjoyed it, what was challenging and what might be next in your learning.

Saturday, 2 November 2019

Let's create... a 100 word story

create - share - learn - create

Have a look at this image. Come up with five words that you think of when looking at it. Post your five words with your name on this padlet:

Made with Padlet

Monday, 16 September 2019

Samoan thoughts about Samoan language week

Samoan language week was a blast!! look at some of my thoughts

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Thursday, 14 March 2019


Hi, we have been learning about making quality blog posts. Here is a video in case you forget how to post on your blog. It was hard for us because we had never done it before. It was fun because we get to share our learning. Our next job is to add another post.


Thursday, 21 February 2019

Kawa of Care

We have been learning how to keep our Chromebooks safe. We enjoyed taking photos of our friends. It was challenging because we haven't used speech bubbles before. Our next steps are to look after our Chromebooks all year and not forget the Kawa of Care. Our other next step is to learn how make the photos bigger.